
Ullakut!! Welcome!

Lissa Okoh

From her life experiences in the exotic continent of Africa, to her professional career in the magnifcent landscapes of the Canadian Arctic, our founder and president, Lissa Okoh has had the privilege of meeting and working with some of the most endearing and inspirational individuals in the Nunavik. Since 1999, the Nunavik has been a home away from home, and a systematic refuge from the hectic pace of life “down south”; a need that is often reflected in the thoughts of individuals who work for months at a time beyond the 55th parallel. This shared call to work in isolated environments was the driving force behind her dreams of creating a service provider for employees working in isolated, and hardship locations, and little did she know at the time, that she was destined for the magnificent mountains, the glacial bays and the tundra of the Great White North.

The Beginnings of a Dream

Awarded the Master’s of Educational Psychology degree from McGill University in 1993, along with a specialization in Trauma Management, she received her first call in 1999 to perform post-traumatic debriefings for Emergency Response teams in Ouje-Bougamou and George River. On the heels of those interventions, her work along the coast caught the attention of the Inuulitsivik Health Center, and for the next eight years, she travelled along the Hudson coast on request of the Inuulitsivik Health Center, offering post-traumatic debriefings and counseling sessions to hospital employees and occasionally, the Kativik Regional Police Force.

Reward for her perseverance came in 2008 when she was offered the privilege of creating the first on- site Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in the Nunavik. To date, INUULICARE has since offered thousands of on-site trauma debriefings and many more hours of counseling sessions to the employees of the Inuulitsivik Health Center, the KRPF and now, the First Responders of the NRBHSS. A proud pioneer of the concept of Employee Assistance Programs in the Nunavik, INUULICARE continues to be the only on-site EAP in the Canadian Arctic to date.

What is Inuulicare?

Inuulicare is committed to being the premier provider of Employee Assistance Programs in the Arctic. This year, we celebrate 18 years of service to the Emergency Response Teams in the Inuit communities along the Hudson Bay. We also celebrate our formal 10 th year anniversary of dedication and support to the employees of the Inuulitsivik Health Center, and our 1 st year of affiliation with the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services. Our commitment to your employees comes with a promise to accompany them along their Life journey as they make distinctive and lasting decisions regarding their health and wellness throughout their careers in the Canadian Arctic regions.

What services are included in the EAP benefit package?


Small problems have a way of crystallizing into bigger problems when not taken seriously from the start. More often than not, we attend to our emotional needs only when they reach a crises point, and when this happens, we often feel embarrassed about seeking the support and guidance of a mental health specialist. The truth is, more and more people are reaching out to specialists in the mental health domain for support regarding obstacles faced in their private and professional lives. Inuulicare provides a variety of services designed to inspire employees in achieving a healthy, engaged and productive attitude in respect to their careers, health and lifestyle choices. We are proud to be affiliated with an extensive list of experts in the fields of mental and medical health as well as physical and holistic wellness therapists, located in Montreal, Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes.

How are our services provided?

Our services are delivered through the Program Director, who also serves as a referral agent to various external providers. Should you decide to call the EAP line, you will not have to leave a message on a voice messaging system as all calls are answered directly by the Program Director.


What do I need to do to speak with a Counselor?

First of all, it is important to know that your Program Director is available for you 24 hours a day, the entire time that she is in your community. Therefore, if you would like to meet with her for a counseling session, all you have to do is reach out to her either by telephone or by e-mail to request an individual in-office session with her. If at the time of your request the EAP Counselor is in a different community, simply dial the 888 number (888 426 7457) to speak directly with the Program Director, or send her a confidential e-mail (

How many EAP sessions am I allowed?

When your EAP Counselor is in your community, she will be available to meet with you as often as you need. However, once she had departed from your community, as a First Responder, you will have access to five (5) supportive sessions via telephone or e-mail, and three (3) supportive sessions for Inuulitsivik Hospital employees.

Do I have to request permission from my Supervisor before contacting the EAP?

Permission is not required from your supervisor. You may contact the EAP directly without going through any other channels.

How confidential is this service?

Your request for support as well as the information divulged during your counseling session is maintained under strict privacy and confidentiality laws, and unless your Counselor perceives a clear reason to breach the Confidentiality Act, as in active thoughts regarding suicide and or homicide, all that is shared in session with your Counselor will be maintained in strict confidence..

Can someone else open an EAP file for me?

You are the only one permitted to open an EAP file in your name. However, should you require emotional support and encouragement to do so, you may ask that a friend, co-worker or Supervisor make the initial call to the EAP, in order for you to speak with the Program Director personally.

Who else in my family has access to the EAP support services?

The EAP support services and benefits have been tailored and personalized entirely for the IHC employees and the First Responders needs, therefore only IHC employees and First Responders may have access to the EAP services.

Other than the 888 number, is there another way of reaching the Program Director?

Cyber counseling is another option for those who prefer to communicate using the written word, as opposed to speaking directly with a counselor. Send an e-mail to, and the Program Director will respond to you within 24 hours. You may also proceed with your request by filling out the confidential intake form found in our website, and you will receive a response within 24 hours.


Looking to contact us? Feel free to e-mail or call us at the information listed in this contact form, or simply message us right here using our built-in e-mail form!


Tel.: 514.886.5264

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